When is the best time to travel to the Turks and Caicos Islands?

Whenever you visit, Villa del Mar has your Caribbean holiday covered

Today’s weather report: warm sunshine followed by sun with a 99% chance of sunny skies for the foreseeable future. Do you want to vacation in a place where the weather is wonderful? Then Providenciales (“Provo” for short) in the Turks and Caicos Islands is the place for you. Eastern Caicos weather is consistent. Temperatures average usually between 85 and 90 degrees (29-32 Celsius) from June to October with only a slight drop to 80-84 degrees the rest of the year. And the cooler easterly trade winds keep the temperature very comfortable.

There is minimal rain in this tropical savannah. On average Providenciales will get about 30 inches a year, just enough to keep the palm trees green! But if it rains in the day, it’s not continual, but only lasts for a short time. You may ask: but isn’t the Caribbean in a hurricane zone? True, the Turks and Caicos are subject to hurricane season which officially begins in June and runs to November, with the peak through August and September. While serious hurricanes are rare in the Turks and Caicos, this information may cause you a moment’s hesitation about traveling to the islands during hurricane season.

Since Mother Nature can’t always be completely predicted, it’s advisable to have a contingency plan. When booking a Turks and Caicos vacation, look for a hotel that has a Hurricane Policy. It is here that Villa del Mar Resort has got you covered. Situated just a skip and a jump from beautiful Grace Bay Beach, Villa del Mar provides a superior setting with high standards. Winner of the Trip Advisor 2013 Certificate of Excellence, Villa del Mar pays attention to the details. It has a well-though out policy regarding hurricane events. Guests who book can get a full refund of deposit or change reservations if an official hurricane warning is issued. And, if an evacuation order is announced, guests will be given a voucher for a future visit for the same original number of nights reserved and will not be penalized for any nights booked but not used.

Anticipate wonderful weather when you book a Turks and Caicos vacation. But remember when you can’t always choose the weather, choose the accommodation that can assist you deal with the weather. The Villa del Mar Resort with its hurricane policy can ensure that confidence.

Wonderful visit to the Caribbean

Beautiful weather in the Turks and Caicos